Blue Award: the awards assigned at the Bologna Boat Show
The mayor of Bologna, Merola, and the governor of the Bonaccini Region among the winners at the ceremony at the Boat Show underway at the Bologna Fair.
Bologna, 24 October 2020 – Last weekend for the Bologna Boat Show, running until Sunday 25 at the Bologna Fiere exhibition center, which yesterday hosted and awarded with the Blue Awards personalities from the institutional and business world who supported the creation of the Show organized by Snidi – International Boat Shows of Italy, and the culture of boating especially in the current period of health crisis.
A plaudere il particolare valore del Salone Nautico e dell’imprenditoria del settore, le parole del vice presidente della Camera dei Deputati, l’onorevole Ettore Rosato, nella lettera inviata al presidente Snidi, Gennaro Amato per l’occasione: “Sottolineo il suo coraggio imprenditoriale, e quello del suo gruppo di lavoro, in un momento dove molti suoi colleghi sono propensi a fare un passo indietro. Sono queste le figure professionali di cui l’Italia, in questo particolare momento, ha bisogno per rilanciare l’economia e soprattutto lo spirito di impegno. Il comparto, da anni in crescita economica rappresenta uno dei settori produttivi di maggior prestigio del Made in Italy nel mondo e, forse, l’unico che continua la crescita commerciale nonostante gli avvenimenti pandemici. Il messaggio che mi sento di trasferire a lei, ed a tutta la filiera nautica, capitani coraggiosi di un mare in tempesta come potrebbe essere paragonato questo momento pandemico sanitario planetario, è di grandi fortune”.
Eleven Blue Award prizes assigned, with the sculptures of the master Lello Esposito depicting the Torre degli Asinelli surrounded by the waves of the sea and the plaque in marmorino (a particular amalgam of Lecce stone and Tuscan marble dust) made by the well-known Apulian company Angie.
Awarded for his daily commitment and in the promotion of the image of the city of Bologna, Mayor Virginio Merola said in receiving the award: “We have always believed in this project, supporting it since last year and we are ready to promote it in all solutions. for future editions. City development projects are already underway to present the 2021 Salone “.
On the strength of Italian entrepreneurship in a difficult health and economic moment, Giuseppe Oliviero, national vice president of CNA – European Policies, was also awarded for his commitment to promoting Made in Italy: “We are here to witness excellence, in particular bell, made by small family businesses that have handed down their tradition from generation to generation and that have made this country one of the most important in the world. For a company, making a fair is already an important investment, but doing it in this period means that this country has extraordinary resources ”.
Also awarded was the president of BolognaFiere, Gianpiero Calzolari, who underlined the merit of the entrepreneurs who believed in the project. It was he himself who granted BolognaFiere recognition to the top management of the organizing company: Nunzio Dolce (vice president) and Gennaro Amato (president): “The organizational path of this first edition was challenging and arduous – he said the president Snidi Gennaro Amato – but we managed to obtain an important result. The data, which usually refer to attendance, are satisfactory but the one that has exceeded all expectations are those related to sales “
Among the winners: the vice-president of the Social Affairs Commission at the Chamber of Deputies Michela Rostan, the president of the Emilia Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini, the councilor for Mobility Policies of the Municipality of Bologna, Claudio Mazzanti, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna, Valerio Veronesi, the head of Snidi institutional relations Marcello Lala and the rubber boat Giovanni Bracco.
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