
Blue Award 2021 to the governor Stefano Bonaccini

Awarded to the president of the Emilia Romagna Regional Council, by the president of the Bologna Boat Show, the recognition for the commitment in favor of the 2021 boat show

Bologna, 19 March 2021 – The first Blue Award 2021 of the Bologna Boat Show will be awarded to Governor Stefano Bonaccini on Monday 22 March, at 1 pm, at the headquarters of the Emilia Romagna Region in via Aldo Moro 52. A small delegation – led by Gennaro Amato, president of the organizing company of the nautical exhibition – of members of the organizing committee and of BolognaFiere Spa presented the award.

The delivery of the Blue Award 2021, awarded to the personalities of the institutional and business world who supported the promotion of the sea resource and the dissemination of nautical culture, was in fact anticipated, compared to the canonical ceremony scheduled for 5 November, by virtue of the support of the President of the Region who committed himself to the Bologna Boat Show to encourage the internationalization process.

Less than a year after the first edition of the Bologna Boat Show, the exhibition organized by the company SNIDI – International Boat Shows of Italy – chaired by Gennaro Amato, wins an important recognition with the International term. The show, scheduled in Bologna from 30 October to 7 November 2021, will therefore change its name and logo to become: Bologna International Boat Show.

At the handover ceremony to the regional president Bonaccini, reserved for a limited representation for the anti Covid rules, will be attended by:

Gennaro Amato – president of the International Boat Shows of Italy
Antonio Bruzzone – general manager of BolognaFiere Spa
Marco Momoli – director B.U. and Culture BolognaFiere Spa
Marcello Lala – Head of Institutional Relations of SNIDI
Alberto Bruno – Administrative manager of SNIDI

Not being able to allow the media, for reasons related to the pandemic, access to the Regional Council room, our press office will provide a video of the award ceremony, photographs and statements of the participants with a press release only to those who EXPRESSLY REQUEST

PRESS OFFICE: Fabrizio Kühne 339 83.83.413 E. mail: comunicazione@fabriziokuhne.com